
My name is Amie Guice (pronounced like "rice" but with a G) and I'm a dietitian and Certified Eating Disorders Specialist in Birmingham, Alabama.

I'm an iced coffee enthusiast, an enneagram 2, and I'm a tiiiiny bit podcast-obsessed.

photo of Amie

I'm pretty darn passionate about making sure that RDs and RDs2Be know how to spot eating disorders and know what to do when they have concerns about a patient’s eating behavior or relationship with food.

I care so much about this because eating disorders are extremely harmful, they're massively under-diagnosed, and disordered eating patterns are often normalized in our diet-obsessed culture.

I’m a weight-inclusive, anti-diet dietitian who gets so much joy from teaching dietitians and nutrition students how to normalize and simplify food and eating and how to show up for their patients with compassion and understanding.

"Core Beliefs" in script font

The core beliefs that impact every part of how I practice are:

all bodies are good bodies - my focus is and always will be encouraging health-promoting behaviors, ​not a certain number on the scale

all foods fit - all foods serve a purpose and can be incorporated into a healthful, joyful, life-giving pattern of eating

mental health is as important as physical health - trying to maintain or improve physical health is great, but not if it means compromising or ignoring mental health