Ensuring RDs and RDs2Be are eating disorder informed

As a registered dietitian, you are making a positive impact in this world

Whether you work in long-term care, corporate wellness, sports nutrition, diabetes management, or nutrition support, you are providing valuable services to your patients, and they need you.

In school you learned a lot of things about a lot of things. One thing you didn’t learn a lot about: eating disorders. Sure, you had one lecture on eating disorders, but you didn’t really learn how to recognize eating disorder behaviors (beyond the stereotypical calorie restriction) in the patients you’re working with day after day.

The result? Patients are showing up in your office with undiagnosed eating disorders, and you have no idea. Their eating disorders are getting worse, and you have no idea. It’s not just you, my friend. Eating disorders are missed every day by well-meaning healthcare professionals.

Tell me if this is you…

✚ The thought of encountering a patient with an eating disorder feels overwhelming

✚ You feel unsure about what to say or do if you encounter an eating disorder patient

✚ You are afraid to “mess up” or say or do the wrong thing

✚ You want to help your eating disorder patients get the specialized care they need and deserve

Let me help you

Here’s how I can help

person engaged in online learning

Trainings & Workshops

One-on-One Mentoring

Here’s how it works

You email me letting me know which service interests you, what timeline you’re looking at, and anything else you want to share

I email you back and we come up with a plan for what is going to best suit your or your workplace’s needs

We get you on your way to confidently identifying, confronting, or treating your patients’ eating disorders

What Other Dietitians Are Saying

What Other Dietitians Are Saying

“Amie is an impressive trainer and teacher. Her passion for her work, broad skill set, and quest for continued learning make Amie tremendously beneficial to the ED recovery community.”

“Amie provided our staff with valuable education on identifying, discussing, and treating eating disorders, and it is obvious that she is hardworking and dedicated to this challenging field. Her training was fantastic!”

“Amie is an amazing source of information and support for registered dietitians and other medical professionals looking to further their knowledge and skills, specifically in the area of eating disorders. ”

“When I got my first ARFID client, Amie was there to walk me through the process of exposure sessions and the techniques to get the client involved in the process. I felt confident that I would be able to help my client and provide the best care possible due to that fact that I knew Amie was there to support me as a fellow dietitian.”

“Amie was so welcoming and reassuring that I felt comfortable asking my pressing questions and expressing discomfort in change. Not only did I walk away from Amie's mentoring sessions with action items, resources, and new ideas; but I also came away with a renewed sense of encouragement and confidence.​ ”

"Hey there, I'm Amie!" in script font
photo of Amie

Working in the eating disorders field for a decade has opened my eyes to the reality that many people’s eating disorders go undetected for far too long. The longer someone lives with their eating disorder, the lower their quality of life and the more difficult it is to recover.

As a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, it’s my mission to arm RDs and RDs2Be with the knowledge and skills they need to recognize when a patient has an eating disorder and to confidently lead that patient to getting the help they need and deserve.